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Documentary Film Making Course with Daye Rogers

Overview of our documentary film making class with Daye Rogers.

Learning about Documentary Filmmaking

Over the course of two weeks in the August 2011, our team met with documentary film maker Daye Rogers. Through this experience we learned the language and theory of documentary filmmaking. Daye guided us in our examination of framing photographs, videos and history within the context of stories in places (hence Geospatial Narratives). We learned foundational technical and creative skills necessary to produce miniature documentaries. Each team member went through this intensive process to produce their own little film vignettes. 

We used Google+ as a collaborative tool, sharing ideas, feedback and products throughout the workshop and beyond after it was done. 

Framing Photo Narratives


 Tonight's Assignment

 Work Example


Collegial Critique

Being repositioned as the learner in a classroom that would focus on developing Critical Narratives through manipulation and creation of Visual Media (i.e. photo and video documentaries) was a powerful way to begin our Teacher Initiated Inquiry Project. The main message that continues to resound in our approach to the classroom today is that the power of story is undeniable in its impact to develop Critical thinkers. Allowing spaces in our classrooms for students to not only reclaim stories told about them and their "places," but also creating opportunities for students to be the story tellers engages students in a critical examination of self, place, and power. This couldn't have been a more fitting first training and we thank Daye Rogers for her willingness to work with our team. 

Final Film 


An example of a shot list.

If you want to see more of our work and resources used... please feel free to connect with us on Google+

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Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
(310) 825-4910