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Grade 9: Dialogue and Healing Project

Using critical inquiry and dialogue to foster critical thought and social change.

Unit Overview

In the unit outlined below, I walked students through purposeful scaffolding to meet academic demands and purposeful curriculum design that humanized students--asking them to take risks, be vulnerable, and build a sense of agency through engaging multiple literacy practices to speak out against injustices they as personally impacted them.

9th grade unit


Student Work Sample

Students were asked to choose an injustice they are personally affected by, and develop an original persuasive essay/letter written to an authentic audience. Below is a healing through dialogue student essay sample.

Implications for Teaching: Writing/Speaking as Healing Dialogue

Below is a slide I presented at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) annual convention reflecting on what I learned from my students through this unit.

implications for teaching

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1320 Moore Hall, Box 951521
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
(310) 825-4910