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Grade 10-11: Critical Theory and Canonical Texts

Our students make connections between their lives, literature, and critical theories. As shown from the results below, the projects create worthwhile products. In addition, the vast majority of students maintained or gained in standardized testing, despite external stressors.

Critical Theory and Inquiry

My students loop from English 10 to AP Language and Composition. Since I teach groups of students for two years, I have the opportunity to build upon technology and critical literacy skills. I embed critical theory into our study of traditionally canonical texts, like Night, Catcher in the Rye, and Antigone. We participate in the following steps of inquiry for each unit:

  1. reading
  2. creating questions
  3. research
  4. creating a response to a question
  5. sharing and valuing our work

Each of the following units has a digital final project with a critical literacy text set.

Identity and My 3 Words

The California Writing project inspired this film project, which allows students to take a stance or express an emotion using only three words. The films are quick, easily edited, and come together to create a community film.

Here is the prompt and a rubric.

Resistance theory

Inspired by Daniel Solorazano's research, students speak up about injustices in their community in order to be positive agents of change. 

Here is a link to a student-friendly version of the theory. We used Voicethread to create these videos.

Pedagogy of the Oppressed


Students read Freire and responded to Fahrenheit 451 by creating reflective films.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Students were able to reflect upon their position as citizens and scholars because we framed our work using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The handouts in the link above include an activity to frame the hierarchy in students' experiences, an explanatory handout, and a grading rubric.

For more information and examples, visit our class blog.


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