Project Based Learning (PBL) is a student-driven learning experience using inquiry to unlock a question or a problem. Students work in teams to collaborate and problem-solve. We used the resources produced by the Buck Institute. Their website,, has many helpful handouts and examples.
Ms. Lau, Ms. Rhee, and Ms. Montes, from the Ambassador School of Global Leadership, collaborated together to create a PBL unit for 11th grade U.S. History (Standard 11.7).
Essential Question: What is the proper balance between civil liberties and protection?
Project Idea: Using the knowledge of constitutional issues and the impact of events on the US home front during World War II, students will create a documentary stating their position of the constitutionality of the Patriot Act.
Project Worksheets/Resources: PBL Planning Documents and Worksheets
Project Samples
By Ariba Ali
Ariba Ali patriot act from Alexandria Lau on Vimeo.
By Max Soublette and Elder Ramirez
Patriot Act Student Video 2 from Esther Rhee on Vimeo.
By Franscico Sernas, Gladis Hernandez, and Alina Cruz
Patriot Act Student Video from Esther Rhee on Vimeo.