Work Samples and Student Work
This page has different samples of our web postings and student work.
Class Blogs- Period 1/2, Period 3/4 and Period 7/8
Student Blogs- Kaylie's, Erica's and Edwin's
Similes, Metaphors, and Idioms video
Figurative Language One-Take Videos - after my students tested poorly on a diagnostic test covering similes and metaphors, I gave them the task of teaching each other similes and metaphors. They were to create videos. They had create the concept, script the video, storyboard and shoot the video. Below is an example of one of these videos. When I asked Joel what he remembers the most about his English class this year, he told me similes and metaphors!
Response To Literature
Character Analysis of Party Girl
Exposition -- Research Presentations
Using a Google Doc, students will choose a research topic and write 3 questions that they are interested in learning about their topic. After their topic was approved by the teacher through a comment on the Google Doc, students will post their topic and questions on their blogs. The next step was for the students to visit other students' blogs and research the posted questions. They used a Citation Maker to cite the internet resource for their answers. The culminating task was to create a Google Presentation (power point) using the information posted on their blogs, and present their Presentation to the class.