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Lesson Plan: Cyber Classroom While in Alaska

A brief summary of how teachers used iPads and other technology devices to be in direct contact with students--receiving immediate feedback from students while doing professional develop education in Alaska.

Standards Addressed: Biology and Math

Objective: Students get to interact in real world scenarios, using academic vocabulary and answering content related material in a setting that is bringing the classroom to their own location outside of the school building. Students are employing the "Bring Your Own Device" concept, increasing engagement.

Procedures: Students will log on to a social networking account, view real-time photos of the journeys to the Arctic Circle and other Alaskan scientific phenomenons. Students will--out of their own interest and engagement--read short narratives the teachers post about their learnings in Alaska. Students will answer questions posted on the cyber network and receive credit towards their grade in their classes.

Students were given the option of using their own devices to log onto a social network account dedicated specifically to the Road to Alaska event.

Participating TIIP teachers uploaded pictures immediately as events were happening, such as during small aircraft leading to glacier landing, to traveling to the Arctic Circle. As teachers uploaded pictures, we then asked students math and science related questions, and students who answered correctly were awarded class points later during the teacher's return to class.

Here are some snapshots of what it looked like: (Student responses were often emailed privately)

cyber classroom 2


cyber classroom 3


cyber classroom

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Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
(310) 825-4910