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TIIP Shares out at Elementary School (October 2011)

TIIP Teacher gives an hour long photo lecture and dialogue in support of 6th graders at Vicentia Elementary School in Corona (CA) as they learn about Ecosystems.


(Photo of an Anchorage, Alaska sunset)

Unfortunately, no photos can be shown of our youngsters in 6th grade, but a nice presentation was given highlighting the learnings from Alaska, showing photos, discussions about the Northern Lights and how Earth's magnetosphere affects them, and the biomes found in Alaska, vegetation, climate, and more!

6th Graders were studying biomes and ecology unit at the time.

Lots of great stories, lots of enthusiastic students excited for the event.

Elementary teachers were appreciative for the opportunity to learn more about science, biomes, and the diversity of learnings that came from our Alaska conference and expeditions.

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1320 Moore Hall, Box 951521
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
(310) 825-4910