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Professional Development

In the first year of the grant, our team focused on building theoretical lenses and received extensive training from expert teachers, researchers, and organizations that know how to develop a 21st Century Literacies pedagogy. This training helps us engage students as readers, writers, and co-creators of multi-media texts in the classroom.

Reading the Past, Writing the Future

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention: November 17-22, 2012 in Chicago, IL

Logo for the National Council of Teachers of English November 2011: Reading the Past, Writing the Future


Social Justice Curriculum Fair

Teachers for Social Justice: November 19, 2011 at the Orozco School in Chicago, IL

Teacher for Social Justice Curriculum Fair, November 2011, Chicago, IL


Beyond Educational Technology

Digital Media and Learning Conference: March 1-3, 2012 in San Francisco, CA


Digital Medica and Learning Conference: Beyond Educational Technology 2012

A Holistic Approach: Justice, Access, Healing

Empowering Women of Color Conference: March 3, 2012 in San Francisco, CA

Women of Color Conference at UC Berkeley: A Holistic Approach to Justice, Access, and Healing


Below are professors we have consulted to help us bridge the topics of technology and literacy in the classroom:

Document Actions

UCLA Center X
1320 Moore Hall, Box 951521
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
(310) 825-4910