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Recognizing different kinds of "head starts"

Author(s): Marjorie Faulstich Orellana and Jacqueline D'warte


The authors consider how the National Early Literacy Panel’s decision to focus on identifying precursors to “conventional” literacy skills shaped the questions asked, conclusions drawn, and take-home message of the panel’s 2008 report. They suggest that this approach may keep the field of literacy research from seeing and valuing other kinds of “head starts”—including ones that are better aligned with the broad, flexible, transcultural literacy skills that will be demanded in the future. The authors call on the field to learn from the experiences of children from nondominant groups to build a more comprehensive model of literacy development.

APA Citation:

Orellana, M. F., & D'warte, J. (2010). Recognizing different kinds of "head starts". Educational Researcher, 39(4), 295-300.


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