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Re-mediating literacy: culture, difference, and learning for students from nondominant communities

Author(s): Kris Gutiérrez, P. Zitlali Morales, and Danny C. Martinez


In this chapter, the authors examine notions of educational risk in the context of literacy theories and research. Deficit notions about the cognitive potential of individuals from nondominant communities have persisted in social science inquiry, particu­larly where literacy is concerned. They trace the intellectual trails of current conflicting ideas about literacy in part to theories about the role of literacy in society.

APA Citation:

Gutiérrez, K. D., Morales, P. Z., & Martinez, D. C. (2009). Re-mediating literacy: culture, difference, and learning for students from nondominant communities. Review of Research in Education, 33, 213-245.

This paper was originally published in Review of Research in Education, 33, 213-245. The preprint manuscript version is included here with the permission of the authors. The original publication is available at

033RemediatingLiteracyPP024_R1.pdf — PDF document, 252Kb

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