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“Qué Dice Aquí?” Building on the Translating Experiences of Immigrant Youth for Academic Literacies

Author(s): Marjorie Faulstich Orellana


This paper describes how translation is not as a single kind of language practice but takes many different forms. But in all its forms, translating activities are practices that focus the speaker’s attention on language, and so they are ones that can serve as a rich basis for cultivating linguistic skills. This paper first describes the general patterns of translating documented among 5th and 6th grade students living in one community in Chicago, I provide some dissection of the practices and illustrate their demands. Finally, this paper probes two sets of implications for teaching and learning: (1) how adults can support children’s translation work, using everyday translation opportunities to support children’s language development; and (2) how teachers can build on children’s translation experiences to further their literacy learning in school.

APA Citation:

Orellana, M. F. (2006). “Qué Dice Aquí?” Building on the Translating Experiences of Immigrant Youth for Academic Literacies.  In Robert Jiménez and Valerie Pang (Eds.) Race, Ethnicity and Education.  Praeger Press.

035QueDicePP026.pdf — PDF document, 5144Kb

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