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The Projects: Education Under Construction

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Author(s): Erin Powers


The Projects: Education Under Construction with UCLA’s Literacy and Leadership Partners

As a group, teachers and administrators are given a great deal of responsibility, and are expected to construct a system of instruction that fits their particular schools and classrooms. This is undoubtedly a demanding task, and often times educators are not given the appropriate amount of time and resources to accomplish all their scholastic goals. Erin Power’s paper lays out how a Literacy and Leader Partner (LLP) can assist educators via various types of consultation. LLP’s show teachers and administrators how to develop and refine their skills in areas such as efficiency, collaboration, and curriculum building, while also urging educators to trust one another’s ideas. Power’s uses the extended metaphor of architecture to highlight how a LLP is the frame of a school, aiding its development, but at the same time being an invisible component of the “school house” (aka education system), which allows the "builders" (teachers) to take the majority of control when it come to building "The Projects."

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