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Research for High-Quality Urban Teaching: Defining It, Developing It, Assessing It

Author(s): Jeannie Oakes, Megan Loef Franke, Karen Hunter Quartz and John Rogers


Using research focusing on urban schools, the authors articulate the need for expanding the definition of urban teacher quality, understanding teacher learning within the context of urban schools, and developing processes and structures that support urban teachers.  They conclude with a call to develop ways to gauge the success and impact of efforts to develop urban teacher competencies that go beyond teacher retention rates and student achievement data.

APA Citation:
Oakes, J., Franke, M. L., Quartz, K. H., & Rogers, J. (2002). Research for High-Quality Urban Teaching: Defining It, Developing It, Assessing It. Journal of teacher education, 53(3), 228-34.

This copy is attached as pre-print and is used with permission of the publisher, Journal of Teacher Education, and the authors.

Oakes et al 2002 Research for High-Quality Urban Teaching.pdf — PDF document, 321Kb

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