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Teacher Workroom

  1. UCLA IMPACT: Integrating Research and Practice Using Multiple Measures
  2. Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) and Example
  3. Observation Rubrics for Secondary Mathematics and Science
  4. Observation Rubric Presentation

UCLA IMPACT: Integrating Research and Practice Using Multiple Measures

Author(s): Jon Schweig, Mollie Appelgate, Karen Hunter Quartz


Since 1995, UCLA's Center X has run an innovative teacher education program focused on providing high quality teachers for urban schools.   Last year, UCLA added another pathway to its teacher preparation options, an Urban Teacher Residency program called IMPACT:  Inspiring Minds through a Professional Alliance of Community Teachers. This program is built from a strategic partnership of UCLA’s Teacher Education Program (TEP), the Los Angeles Small Schools Center and Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Local District 4.  By creating this new approach to teacher learning within this partnership, IMPACT is a design experiment that seeks to integrate research and practice.  In this overview paper, the authors briefly describe IMPACT and the efforts of their collaborative research team to study this program using multiple measures of teaching practice and use the findings for the purposes of evaluation, research, and data-driven school improvement.

Schweig 2010 UCLA IMPACT- Integrating Reseach and Practice Using Multiple Measures.pdf — PDF document, 331Kb

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Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) and Example

Author(s): PACT and Susanne Liaw


PACT is a teacher performance assessment that pre-service teachers must pass in order to earn their elementary or single subject credential in the State of California.  This assessment uses video, classroom artifacts, and writing from pre-service teachers’ lessons to assess their skills in planning, instruction, assessment, reflection, and academic language.  Used by 30 California universities, this performance assessment records the classroom activities over 3-5 lessons and is graded using detailed rubrics based about the Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs).  Extensive information and documentation on PACT is available at  We offer here links from this website to the actual assessments and rubrics. 

Links to assessments:

Links to rubrics:

In addition, we include illustrative sections from a PACT completed by one of our own UCLA students. This example of a UCLA Teacher Education Program student submission for PACT shares Task 2 - Planning Instruction and Assessment, one of five tasks required, for secondary English. It includes her planning commentary, assignments and daily reflections on the plans she, as a student teacher, designed and taught while documenting her practice for PACT.

Task 2 - Planning Instruction and Assessment Example:
Liaw 2010 Task 2 - Planning Instruction and Assessment.pdf — PDF document, 1.3Mb


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Observation Rubrics for Secondary Mathematics and Science

Author(s): Imelda Nava, Jaime Park, and Mollie Appelgate


The teacher observation rubrics were developed for observing pre-service teachers in UCLA’s urban teacher residency program within the Teacher Education Program.  They focus on four aspects of teaching - content rigor, student discourse, equitable student access to content, and classroom ecology - and include examples of potential instructional strategies.

Mathematics Observation Rubric.pdf — PDF document, 401Kb

Science Observation Rubric.pdf — PDF document, 377Kb


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Observation Rubric Presentation

Author(s): Jaime Park, Imelda Nava, and Helen Davis


Originally presented at the conference Great Teachers for Our City Schools National Summit in April 2011, this presentation explains the rationale behind the creation of the observation rubrics and what the professors have learned while using it.

Park-Nava-Davis-2011-Observation-Rubric-Presentation.pdf — PDF document, 287Kb

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UCLA Center X
1320 Moore Hall, Box 951521
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521
(310) 825-4910