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The myth of technology as the ‘great equalizer’ By Jane Margolis

Author(s): Jane Margolis


The number of African Americans and Latino/as receiving undergraduate and advanced degrees in computer science is disproportionately low, according to recent surveys. And relatively few African American and Latino/a high school students receive the kind of institutional encouragement, educational opportunities, and preparation needed for them to choose computer science as a field of study and profession. In Stuck in the Shallow End, Jane Margolis looks at the daily experiences of students and teachers in three Los Angeles public high schools: an overcrowded urban high school, a math and science magnet school, and a well-funded school in an affluent neighborhood. She finds an insidious "virtual segregation" that maintains inequality. In the introduction to this book, Margolis reviews the current state of computer science, shares statistics that reveal the depth of the racial and ethnic divide in the field, and introduces the book’s themes and findings.

APA Citation:

Margolis, J. (2008). Introduction: The myth of technology as the ‘great equalizer’. In Stuck in the shallow end: Education, race, and computing (pp. 1-16). Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Chapter appears with the permission of the publisher, MIT Press, Cambridge, © 2008. All rights reserved.


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