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Antero Garcia’s high school podcasting curriculum and student MP3s

Author(s): Antero Garcia


Over the course of seven weeks, twelfth grade students read novels in literary circles that situated individual struggle within a global context. The novels chosen - Invisible Man, What is the What, Persepolis, In the Time of the Butterflies, and Don Quixote - represented different genres, perspectives, and levels of reading for my differentiated classroom. Using these texts for students to research and present in groups about struggles from a global and historical perspective, students then conducted interviews with parents and community members about their own experiences of struggle. Encouraged to build connections between a Salvadoran parent's experiences and those described in a Sudanese memoir or the Iranian struggle from the eyes of a young girl, the class explored universal themes of individual resiliency and agency. The culminating activity of this unit asked students to document their own experiences of struggle and locate these experiences within a global perspective. Utilizing radio documentary strategies, students developed audio autoethnographies from narrated passages, interviews, reenactments, and music. The final products were self-edited and published for public dissemination.

Two MP3 Student Samples

1. The Inequality of Education
2. My Journey from Guatemala

Antero is a PhD student and Manual Arts High School teacher.

030HighSchoolPodCastIP010.pdf — PDF document, 795Kb

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